Beaminster School

Beaminster School, Newtown, Beaminster DT8 3EP
Tel: 01308 862633
Office hours 8.30am-4.30pm (4pm Friday)
School hours 8.45am-3.30pm (33.25 hours per week)
Absence Line (24hrs): 01308 861917
Headteacher: Mr K Hales
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mr D Withers
SENCo: Mrs S Dinsmore (
Office Manager: Mrs N Chalkley
Click HERE to see our Safeguarding Leads and for further Safeguarding information
Links to Facebook Twitter ParentMail

Year 6
Transition Information
This page is for the Parents, Carers and Year 6 Students
who will be joining us and starting secondary school in Year 7 September
Scroll down for further information and videos
Welcome to Beaminster

Mr Hales, Headteacher

A very warm welcome to Beaminster School.
My name is Mr Hales and I have the great pleasure of being the Headteacher.
We are a small, family, rural school. I am fortunate to be the custodian of a school with good facilities, high standards of teaching and supportive, caring staff. We were delighted that both Ofsted, and our SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) inspections recognised all these qualities and affirmed that the school continues to improve and provide a very good education for all our children.
We know our students and what they need so that we can unlock the potential in every child. We believe that every young person has a set of special skills or talents and our role is to nurture them and provide relentless optimism. This means we provide learning opportunities that challenge every one of our students to reach their own goals and aspirations.
And, for us, learning is everything. We focus on the things that matter – commitment to the highest academic standards, positive relationships based on mutual respect, care, concern and generosity for others and a willingness to do things differently – that ability to adapt to the ever-changing world around us. Our students need to be ready to compete nationally and internationally!
Learning is delivered through a broad and balanced curriculum. We ensure that all students have opportunities to study the performing and visual arts (Music, Drama, PE, Fine Art), technology (materials, products, computing, textiles, food) and humanities, as well as the core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science.
The success of our outcomes are the students I see every day, as well as the many who have left us for apprenticeships in local firms, stayed on in our 6th Form or have gone on to Universities right across Britain from studying English at Oxford, Veterinary in London to Chemistry at Edinburgh.
Choosing a secondary school can seem like a daunting process but hopefully you will have had an opportunity to see our school in action, what we stand for and the quality of work that we do, and the information on these pages whets your appetite for what we will be offering our Year 7 students.
Take care and enjoy the videos.

Click to view a short video tour of school with our Headteacher,
Mr Hales
Please note that students and parents new to the school will receive most login details for online platforms, including ParentMail and ClassCharts, after they have been formally enrolled.
This is to allow our information systems to update fully overnight.

Mr Hobby
Head of Year 7
Welcome Video from Mr Hobby

Equipment List
Suitable school bag in which to carry belongings, pencil case, drink (and lunch if applicable).
PE kit when required.
Pencil case should include:
A black pen and a green pen
Pencil and rubber
Pair of compasses
Reading book (KS3).
Year 7 Student Information Booklet
All our new Year 7s will be given a copy of this little booklet before they join us.
It shows them some of our staff and buildings so they can see where they will be
and just some of the people they will meet.
We hope it will help them all feel welcome and at home.
Just click on picture or link below to access the booklet.
Mrs Dinsmore, Our SENCo

Click to hear Deputy Head, Mr Withers, talk about School Transport, Uniform, Lockers, Safeguarding and the Canteen

Welcome message from Mr Taylor, Tutor of 7M
School Uniform
Details of our school uniform and how to order it can be found below.
You can buy online, or visit the shop to try on any items.
For further information about uniform please see the Parent Handbook.

Uniform and Appearance
Guidance and Information

Summer Projects
Students received hard copies of the Maths and English projects (below), together with a smaller "Rooted in Reading Transition Passport" with the student's name on at the induction days.
There are six reading tasks to complete over the summer holidays; the Transition Passport has pages to complete about Primary School and over the Summer Holidays. The Starting Secondary School section will be completed in September.
Students will need to bring both the ENGLISH DEPARTMENT YEAR 6 INTO YEAR 7 TRANSITION BOOKLET AND the TRANSITION PASSPORT in to school with them in September please.
