Beaminster School

Beaminster School, Newtown, Beaminster DT8 3EP
Tel: 01308 862633
Office hours 8.30am-4.30pm (4pm Friday)
School hours 8.45am-3.30pm (33.25 hours per week)
Absence Line (24hrs): 01308 861917
Headteacher: Mr K Hales
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mr D Withers
SENCo: Mrs S Dinsmore (
Office Manager: Mrs N Chalkley
Click HERE to see our Safeguarding Leads and for further Safeguarding information
Links to Facebook Twitter ParentMail

School Uniform
Details of our school uniform and how to order it can be found below.
You can buy online, or visit the shop to try on any items.
For further information about uniform please see the Parent Handbook.
Please note that students eligible for Free School Meals will be issued with an annual discount code (currently £35)
to use against the cost of school uniform, please contact the office for details
Uniform and Appearance
Guidance and Information