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Key Dates


Friday 28th June

Wrong Trousers Non Uniform Day for all students £1 donation

​6th Form Summer Ball

Monday 1st July

Staff training day - no students in school

Tuesday 2nd July

Year 9 College Day

Year 10 Be a 6th Former Post-16 day

Year 10 Post 16 Information Evening, 6-7pm

Wednesday 3rd July

Year 11 Prom, Haselbury Mill

Thursday 4th July

Summer Concert 6.30pm

Friday 5th July

Sports Day

Monday 8th July

Year 6 Induction Day #1

Tuesday 9th July

Year 6 Induction Day #2

Wednesday 10th July

HPV / Teenage Booster vaccinations

Year 6 New Student and Parent Information Evening 6.30pm

Friday 12th July

Year 12 Physics Masterclass from the UK Space Agency


Beaminster is a GOOD school in all aspects of its educational provision
Ofsted 2023

Ofsted Report: Beaminster is a Good School in all aspects of its educational provision.

Following a rigorous two days, with four Inspectors reviewing a broad range of areas during their visit on September 26th & 27th, Beaminster School is thrilled that Ofsted have, once again, recognised the very effective education that is provided in all aspects of its work.

Mr Hales, Headteacher, was delighted that the ethos and character of the school shone through and that the quality of work that staff undertake every day was recognised: “Beaminster School is a community that pupils, parents, staff and governors are proud to be a part of… Adults know pupils well as individuals. As a result, pupils get the help and support they need.”

Mr Hales said, “Throughout their visit the Inspection team recognised our drive to raise the aspirations of pupils through our ambitious curriculum, strong commitment to inclusion, good behaviour of pupils and the positive relationships between staff and pupils, all wrapped around the highest quality of teaching and learning. We know we are a good school and this formally confirms it, but we will continue our relentless quest to improve still further. My thanks to all the staff, students and parents for making our school what it is.”

Importantly, Inspectors found, “The arrangements for safeguarding are effective - Pupils feel listened to and safe in school… Pupils learn about healthy relationships and sex in an age-appropriate way. They develop an understanding of fundamental British Values and tolerance for others. Pupils know how to keep themselves physically and mentally healthy.”

There was also a real appreciation that: “Students are prepared well for adult life. All pupils receive effective careers education, information, advice and guidance.” This continues into the Sixth Form where there are, “Good relationships with adults, built on mutual respect and trust.”  This occurs because, “Subject curriculums set out the knowledge that is important for pupils to learn each year. This helps pupils to build on their learning from Year 7 through to Year 13.”

After the inspection only two small areas for development were noted, which the school had already identified. Firstly, to continue to develop, “The ambition for pupils to become committed readers who understand the value of reading” and, secondly, to ensure, “That teaching approaches can be adapted to meet the needs of all pupils.”

Bridget Millwood, Chair of Governors, felt that the inspection report reflected the strengths of Beaminster School. “High quality teaching, pupils who are proud of their school, committed staff, a rich range of opportunities and excellent outcomes; who could not be pleased with a report that re-affirms such wonderful attributes. It is a great credit to all the staff, pupils and parents.”

Beaminster School Ofsted 4 Nov 2023.jpg
Every school day counts.jpg

Online Learning Information

All work set can be accessed electronically via computer, tablet or phone. 


Office 365               Students manage their own password

SenecaLearning     Students manage their own password (they can                                           click the ‘Forgotten password’ button if they need to

                               and a message will then be sent to their school email                                   address to help them reset it)

MyMaths                 Contact the teacher

ActiveLearn             Contact the teacher

ClassCharts            Contact any teacher

                                (Parents/carers have their own ClassCharts login)

Students and parents new to the school will receive most login details for online platforms, including ParentMail and ClassCharts, after they have been formally enrolled.


This is to allow our systems to update fully overnight.


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